View Profile LycanDiva
I am a constantly studying independent animation student with Oscar calibur ambitions. I love Japanese anime, sci-fi and fantasy books and movies, RPG's, Sonic the Hedgehog (comics, cartoons, games, etc.), and entertaining people.

Age 38, Female

Animator in training

Not living with you.

Joined on 6/26/09

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CatDragon Studios Coming Attractions Update: 25% Complete...

Posted by LycanDiva - August 6th, 2011

Hello, Newgrounds. It is I, LycanDiva, once again, with another exciting update!! Sonic Ignition Episode 4 is a quarter of the way complete! Yes, in just 3 more weeks (give or take a couple days) you will finally be watching (and hopefully enjoying...if not, why not?) a fresh, new episode!!

So, what should you expect? Better sound effects, thanks to Shadowwalker15 and Shadefalcon (Big thanks to Shadowwalker for sending me the download and Shadefalcon for sending it to him). More custom sets (mostly for the mansion). The random humor you've all come to expect... and, I promise, no more pre-loader wackiness like the last episode (that was a nightmare...-_-; )!!

What you can't expect? Text advance buttons. Sorry, but I keep running into problems in that department (my brother [whom I haven't seen in ages...BTW, if you're reading this, Happy belated Birthday, Big Bro'!] is the computer programmer in the family, I'm just an animator...) and, until I can make friends with actionscript enough that it's willing to act right for me for once... I'm not playing that. Call me a chicken, but it took me two years to understand Microsoft Excel, O.K.?! Granted, that was mostly due to the fact that the first time I was exposed to it was at a summer program with a computer teacher who was, quite frankly, about as helpful as having your hands bound together with duct tape while you're trying to type... but I digress. Yeah, even with tutorials, it'll be a while before you see anything resembling a "next" button in my cartoons and, by then, you'll probably be hearing voice acting anyhow, because I'll probably have a new mic before I master actionscript. Believe it!! *shot*

So, be on the look-out for Sonic Ignition Episode 4 within the last two weeks of this month and, remember, "The Servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is Power. Power enriched by the Heart. The Controller serves to unify the Chaos." "Knowledge is Power. Power must be Earned." (Oooooh, forshaaaaaaadowiiiiiinnnng.... *shot again*)


dude, i mean dudet!!
i can't wait for Sonic Ignition episode 4