View Profile LycanDiva
I am a constantly studying independent animation student with Oscar calibur ambitions. I love Japanese anime, sci-fi and fantasy books and movies, RPG's, Sonic the Hedgehog (comics, cartoons, games, etc.), and entertaining people.

Age 38, Female

Animator in training

Not living with you.

Joined on 6/26/09

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CatDragon Studios Coming Attractions Update: So, what's up and FAQ (Fake Asked Questions)

Posted by LycanDiva - July 2nd, 2011

Hello, guys and gals! I know you've probably been eagerly awaiting the release of Sonic Ignition, Episode 4. Well, for the last few weeks, I've been working on sprite sheet expansions before starting on the actual episode. I started with Silver, and I finished up a big Tikal expansion just last night. I'll be starting on an expansion for Amy tomorrow (which will be another 1-2 weeks) and finishing up with a very small Sonic expansion and a small expansion for at least one other character. But, to tide you over until Episode 4 hits the net, I put together a little FAQ about the series. It usually means "Frequently Asked Questions," but since I don't get the same question asked over and over yet, it stands for "Fake Asked Questions." Enjoy! ^_^

FAQ: Making Sonic Ignition

Why is there no voice acting?
The answer to this is simple; My mic died last summer. Otherwise, Ignition would be fully voice acted. When I get a new mic, there will be voice acting. Until then...well...aren't you glad you know how to read?

So you're doing all the voices? But you're a girl! How are you going to voice the guys?!
Well, Tails will be easy. I can do a fairly good Tails with the power of my vocal chords alone. The same with Silver. The other male cast members will be a bit of a challenge. First, I'm going to have to stretch my voice to the lowest depths of its range, then I'll use Wavepad Editor to tweak the tracks. Don't worry, I've practiced this sort of technique before, I know how to make it sound good.

Why don't you just get a guy/ some guys to do the voices?
Well, there are a couple of reasons for that. The first being that in real life I don't have a bunch of male friends/ acquaintances who would be willing to lend their voices at the moment. The second is that I don't write out the scripts for Ignition beforehand, so in order to have people act for me over the internet I would first have to make a transcript of the whole finished episode, then send it out with notes (because I can't be there and say, "That take was good, Jim, but can you give me a second one with a little more emphasis on the 'gold' in 'gold digger?'"... And of course there is the whole casting thing. (Situations like this make me wish I had a big studio with the works already...T_T)

Why not just use Speakonia voices?
No, no, no, a thousand times NO! I can't get the quality of acting that I want out of that program 9 times out of 10, so it's really a no-go. The only characters I can see myself using Speakonia to voice would be Metal Sonic or Omega...and that's only because it would actually sound right. Otherwise...not on your life, Bucko!!!

What goes into the development and production of a typical episode?
Well, first comes the idea. I get ideas for new episodes all the time, which I mentally catalog and arrange in chronological order, by what things should happen at what point in the storyline. I fine-tune the ideas for the next episode in line as I finish up the one I'm currently working on, then I move on to the preparations once the episode in progress gets fully uploaded.

Preparations include building new sets (either from scratch or from parts from background kits...or a little of both), expanding sprite sheets, updating my Sonic Ignition Flash template, and preparing any audio clips I may need. Once that's all in line, I start the animating and scripting. I have a rough storyboard in my head already with a few lines I definitely want said, but the details of the dialogue are mostly improvised. This has been a good thing, because some of the funniest lines in the series are actually a product of all that improv.

I check the animation and text speed as often as possible, trying to make everything as perfectly animated and readable as possible, making sure the music and sound effects are just right, nitpicking and nitpicking again every little thing... before I finally declare the episode fit for publication. Then, a short rest after it's uploaded (though not really a rest because I'm still thinking of the next episode, looking for new set and character sprites, watching tutorials etc.), and the whole crazy cycle starts anew.

Why do you insist on expanding sprite sheets instead of just switching up?
Because I like the look and feel of the Genesis style sprites for this series. They just feel more "Sonic-like" to me, I guess. Sure, it's hard work expanding the sheets, but it's well worth it in the end (see Act 4 of Episode 3 for proof).

Who made the Shade sprites you use? I can't find them anywhere.
I made them in Photoshop Elements 2.0 using sample poses from sheets by Client Nite, Veckles the Echidna, and Gabriel aka. Frag. I couldn't find a really good Shade sheet online...so I took matters into my own hands.

Is the sheet posted anywhere/ can you send me a copy?
It's not posted anywhere and, since I don't consider it 100% complete yet (needs more attacks and everyday poses...) I don't feel right releasing it for use by others yet. When I do consider it complete enough, I'll post it online somewhere, I promise.

Do you have an Advance/ Battle style sheet for Shade?
Not yet. Though, I may do one one day... If I have the time.

What are your biggest influences forIgnition?
Well, I'd have to say my biggest influences for the series when it comes to storytelling are definitely the old Sonic cartoons made by DiC in the 90's, as well as anime like The Slayers and Tenchi Muyo, live action shows from the 90's like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Hercules the Legendary Journeys, and the games themselves. I like stories where there's a healthy amount of action, but there's also a good plot and the series never gets too serious for too long. I also have a weak spot for romantic sub-plots. So...yeah...expect some mushy stuff to rear its head occasionally.

I know Dark Brotherhood is in, but what other games are cannon to the Ignition universe? *pushes up nerd glasses*
All of the main games from Sonic 1 through Unleashed, the Rush games, Sonic Battle, and the majority of handheld titles. The only games that aren't part of the picture here are the Sonic Rivals games and the Olympics titles.

Will Tails Doll show up?
Does a 10 lb. bag of flour make a really big biscuit?

Is Mario/ Megaman X/ Sephiroth/ the guy from that game I played the other weekend at my cousin's house going to be in the show?
Not likely. Not unless I feel like doing an inter-dimensional cross-over episode...which probably won't happen.

Why aren't there more fight scenes?
Because fight scenes are like love scenes; They're a lot of fun, but they're only effective when there's enough plot to support their use. Fight scenes and love scenes are also like birthday cake; If you have it all the time, it's not special anymore... :(

Are you going to do another sprite series? I really like Ignition!
Well, I do have an idea for a Megaman X series that tells a different version of the story from X6 on and gives a better explanation of how Zero got repaired between X5 and X6... But, that's a ways away. I'm not even sure If I'll actually do it. It is possible, though. Just don't get your hopes up too high because I'm still on the fence about it. Let's see what happens with Ignition, shall we?

When's the next episode of Ignition coming out?!
When it's finished, young Grasshopper. Have patience...and some candy.

Well, that does it for the FAQ. I hope you liked it, learned something, laughed a little, aren't pissed that this isn't Episode 4... You know, the usual. And remember, girls aren't irritable at that time of the month because of our hormones, we're irritable because of what our hormones are making our insides do...


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